Posted by lisa_fiorilli On 10:55 AM

So, it's July 3rd. That means that I am two months away from living in a brand spanking new city on my own starting my Master's. It's a little surreal, and it's odd to think that I'm going to be putting a deposit on an a residence hall. It's a dormitory style thing, with meals included. One tiny little room with a bed and desk, and it's about a 15 minute streetcar ride from the campus, right in downtown Toronto on Spadina Avenue. I kinda wanted an apartment, but I chose this for the first year since I don't know the city and the commute will force me to know it, and the fact that it includes meal, internet and I don't have a roommate. Maybe for year 2 I will search for a roommate and get an apartment near school. TO is quite expensive though, especially compared to Montreal.

So, I'm moving on September 5th, I have an orientation on the 7th and I start school on the 12th. Between that first week, I have to go to school to both test the commute and get my ID card, get a student discount card for the TTC streetcar/subway pass and kind of figure out what's in the vicinity of school and my apartment.

OH, and I'm hoping to hear back from Ryerson that I've been offered a GA position, which is their equivalent of a Teaching Assistant.


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