A New Challenge

Posted by lisa_fiorilli On 1:43 PM


So I finally have some good news to blog about. Between the Habs getting eliminated to problems with application to graduate at Concordia, I finally am seeing the ray of light at the end of the tunnel. I HAVE FINALLY MADE A DECISION.. I know, i know. Everyone that knows me knows that I have flip-flopped more than Tim Thomas on a point shot, but this decision was super hard for me. Obviously, this is a big exaggerated, mais bon! It was hard for me to accept that I should move away, alone, to another city and start over in a program that I wasn't sure was for me. I really had my head set on just waiting it out, and applying to Concordia for the winter and staying in MTL. However, something clicked in my head this week. I was scared I was scared of not picking the right program for me, I was scared of what people around me would think, I was scared of making the wrong decision about my future and I was scared of being alone. But you know what? I spoke to two or three people that I trust that can tell me the truth. And with their professional assistance, they were able to give me the details I needed to make an informed decision, and not an emotional one. Two of them are former profs at Con U, and I'm so grateful to them for making me into the student I am today.
In terms of research interests and faculty, Ryerson's MPPA fits in well with what I want to do in the future and I'm starting to really look forward to the idea of having a blank slate to start over on.

I move to Toronto on August 28th 2011. SCARRRRRY.

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